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David Procter Title
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Tesco Finest - Smoked Haddock
Somesuch - Dir: Kim Gehrig
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Baileys 235
Road Safety 01
Old El Paso 02

Tesco Finest - Smoked Haddock

Somesuch - Dir: Kim Gehrig

Anti-Smoking - Rot Roll Up

MadCowFilms - Dir. Simon Ellis

Gallia - Welcome to The World

Bandits - Dir. Jörn Threlfall

Raindance Film Festival Trailer

Raindance - Dir. Peter King

Prodlisex - Legend

MadCow Films - Dir: Sam Huntley

Issey Miyake - Nuit

White Lodge / Blink - Dir: Ryan Hopkinson

Childline - Things Guys Don't Talk About

Somesuch - Luke Seomore & Jospeh Bull

Old El Paso - The Grand/Mini Tortilla Tour

Bold - Dir. Matt Lenski

BBC3 - Criminal Britain

Somesuch - Luke Seomore & Jospeh Bull

Chivas Regal - Royal Salute

White Lodge / Blink - Dir. Ryan Hopkinson

Issey Miyake - L'Eau D'Issey

BLINK / WhiteLodge - Dir: Ryan Hopkinson

#THISGIRLCAN - Sport England

Somesuch - Dir: Kim Gehrig

KFC - The Hard Way

Somesuch - Dir: Institute For Eyes

Argos - Windtunnel

Friend - Dir: Tim & Joe

Baileys - Coffee with Spirit

Good Egg - Dir: Tell No One

NFU - Storm

Smuggler - Dir: Chris Thomas

Argos - Drones

Friend - Dir: Tim & Joe

Netflix / Vodaphone

Somesuch - Dir. Kim Gehrig

MACALLAN - 100 Years

RSA - Dir: Juriaan Booij

KFC 01 235
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Tesco Grissini 01
Argos Windtunnel
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Vertu - Making Extraordinary

Wanda - Dir: Ehsan Bhatti

Dexter Fletcher
BBC3 Criminal Britain 01
Issey Miyake 01
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Puma x Arsenal 02
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Tesco - Milk

Outsider - Dir. Jörn Threlfall

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NIKE - Flyknit

GroundControl - Dir. Motiphe

CBBC - What We Don't See

Smuggler - Dir. Joshua Neale

Click images for more info and to view.


Somesuch - Dir: Institute For Eyes

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Diesel - Dogs

BLINK / White Lodge - Dir: Tim & Joe

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Tesco Finest - Grissini

Somesuch - Dir: Kim Gehrig

Stella 01

Stella Artois - Elizabeth's Dream

Smuggler - Dir: Joshua Neale

Charles Schwab - Molecular Gastronomy

Station - Dir. Jörn Threlfall

Puma - Powered by Fans

Outsider - Dir: Chris Balmond

Schwab 01

Road Safey - Alerts

Somesuch - Dir: Institute For Eyes

Cycle Safety

Cycle Safety - Think!

Bold - Dir: Tom Haines

Finistil 01

Finistil - The Best Adventures

Radical - Dir. Lucy Tcherniak

Childine 01


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QATAR - Women's World Cup

RSA - Dir: Ben Scott

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